We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Below you will find a list of FAQs that we want to share with you. If you have any further enquiries, please contact us or find your nearest centre.

How does the removal of a varicose vein affect circulation?

Las varices son venas que no realizan su función de forma correcta. Si aquellas venas no cumplen con su función (llevar la sangre hacia arriba), significa que el resto están asumiendo dicha tarea.

Con el tratamiento de microespuma eliminamos una vena que no funciona bien, que está creando problemas. Al eliminarla eliminamos la patología que hace sufrir al paciente.


Are there any risks associated with the treatment?

We use a medicine, Polidocanol, that could generate an allergic reaction. It is categorised as hypoallergenic being, therefore, very rare to produce this kind of effect. Some studies consider it to cause 1 in 10 million cases. If allergy should occur, the Doctor will be prepared to deal with this reaction as he would with any other medicine.

In some cases Phlebitis may occur. This is not dangerous, yet uncomfortable, but it is easily solved with treatment and it requires no repose.

If the treatment is not followed-up, a stain over the varicose vein could appear. This should not happen with the proper post-treatment control, but if it did, it would disappear spontaneously after a few months.

Exceptionally, it could generate a bedsore that would close leaving a scar on the area where it was produced.

Can treated varicose veins reappear?

When the varicose veins treatment is over, these veins do not longer exist. They have been absorbed by the body and it is therefore impossible that the same veins will reappear.

However, this pathology is mainly hereditary, so the affected patient could be subject to new varicose veins appearing in the future. This happens fairly slowly so if the patient attends a check-up every year or 2, it is likely that the problem will be controlled.